You must choose the right fertilizer if you have a potted fig tree. Organic fertiliser for fig trees is essential to fertilize it regularly to ensure thrives.

But why is it necessary, and what kind of fertilization works best? In this article, I will help you look into the best fertilizers for potted fig trees and when to fertilize them. By understanding the benefits of a well-fertilized fig tree, you’ll keep your fig tree healthy and happy. Let’s first find out why to fertilize potted fig trees and its pros & cons.

7 Reasons Why To Fertilise Potted Fig Tree? 


Improve Soil Quality 

I don’t know if you know this, but fertilizing your potted fig tree can help to improve the quality of the soil it’s growing in. It would be best to look for the signs of poor soil quality that can lead your potted fig tree to stunted growth and reduced fruit production. If you consider adding fertilizer, it will ensure that the soil has all the nutrients your fig tree needs to grow and thrive.

Promote Healthy Growth

Not only does fertilize your potted fig tree help improve its soil quality and fertility, but it also promotes healthy growth. Using the right fertilizer will give your fig tree the essential nutrients to grow strong and healthy.

A potted fig tree needs growth-promoting nutrients like nitrogen, Phosphorus, & potassium, which are crucial for developing healthy leaves, stems, and roots. a

Boost Fruit Production

Lack of fertilization can lead to stunted growth and reduced fruit production. If you have not fertilized your potted fig tree, consider doing so. Fertilizing your fig tree can also help to increase the amount of fruit it produces. If you fertilize a potted fig tree with the right balance of nutrients, it will need more and more significant fruit production. 

Prevent Nutrient Deficiencies

If you are not a proactive gardener, your potted fig trees are likely susceptible to health concerns like nutrient deficiency. If your potted fig tree is not getting enough of a particular nutrient, it can develop nutrient deficiencies that can affect its growth and fruit production. Therefore, consider fertilizing your tree to prevent these deficiencies and ensure that your potted fig tree gets all the nutrients it needs.

Enhance Appearance

Do you know Fertilising your fig tree can also improve its overall appearance? If you provide it with the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy, it will not only help in reducing the risk of disease and pest infestations but also improve its overall appearance.

It will prevent saggy leaves, immature leaves drop, leaf spot infestation, leaf discoloration, fruit discoloration, and many more. With beautiful trees come beautiful results. 

Save You Money In the Long Run: 

Even though managing a potted fig tree may seem like a small expense, it can also be costly if it inherits any problem or disease. Keeping your potted fig tree fertilized when required will help prevent nutrient deficiencies, promote healthy growth, and boost fruit production. 

Helps Tree To Adapt to Its Environment Quickly 

If you’ve recently planted your fig tree, it may struggle to adapt to its new environment. By fertilizing a potted fig tree, you can help provide it with the nutrients it needs to acclimate to its new surroundings, climate, and temperature change which help it grow and thrive.

5 Things To Watch Out For Potted Fig Tree Fertilising (Risk Involved)

  • Even though Fertilising your potted fig tree is important, too much of it can be harmful. Make you look out for the amount of fertilizer you use that can lead to salt buildup in the soil. Salt buildup and over-fertilization will harm your potted fig tree and the surrounding plants.
  • As fertilizers for potted fig trees can be expensive, you should watch out for the timing to fertilize them. It is never recommended to fertilize your potted fig tree when it is dormant. It becomes more critical when you use high-quality fertilizers.
  • Since fertilizing potted fig trees requires time and effort. You should pay attention to the schedule and apply the fertilizer when correct. Also, keep track of when you need to fertilize next.
  • Not only over-fertilizing but also under-fertilizing your fig tree can also be harmful. Your potted fig tree may not receive the essential nutrients it needs if you use the wrong type of fertilizer. It is necessary first to check the pH level of the soil and its nutrient content to determine what type of fertilizer it requires. 
  • Make sure you follow a systematic approach to evenly distributing the fertilizer on your potted fig tree. It is recommended to get a fertilizer spreader that is designed for small plants and trees. Also, you must ensure that you follow the instruction and recommended guidelines mentioned on the fertilizer bag label.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For Potted Fig Trees

Choosing the right fertilizer that can make a big difference in how well your fig tree grows and produces fruit is essential. There are also many factors you need to consider first before purchasing any fertilizer for your tree.

I recommend you first check the soil’s pH level and nutrient content to determine what specific nutrient your tree needs. There are also other factors you must consider, like checking the growth stage and the climate before making a decision.

With so many options available in the market, I will help you make an informed decision. I have given the five best fertilizers for potted fig trees that are readily available in today’s markets. Also, all the fertilizers I have mentioned below are organic, which means they pose no threat to the soil, environment, or tree. 

5 Organic & Best Fertiliser For Fig Trees In Pots


Since compost is an organic fertilizer, you can use it on your potted fig tree to provide a balanced source of nutrients. I think it’s an excellent option for potted fig trees because compost is known to release nutrients gradually over time, which ultimately helps reduce the risk of over-fertilization.

On the other hand, according to my research, if you want to improve your potted fig tree soil structure, never mind using the following compost that is best in the current market.

Fish Emulsion 

If you are looking for an option that provides a good source of nitrogen, then Fish emulsion is what you need. Fish emulsion is the perfect fertilizer for indoor potted fig trees.

If you use fish emulsion, it will not only provide a good source of nitrogen, but also it will help improve soil fertility. Since fish emulsion provides essential nutrients for fig tree growth, it’s an excellent option for fig trees grown in pots. If you want to benefit your tree from a good nitrogen source, below are a few options.

Seaweed Extract

If you help potted fig trees by not bearing a lot of fruit, there might be a lack of potassium in the soil. Since seaweed extract is a good source of potassium which will directly help potted fig trees with fruit production, consider using it for your tree.


I prefer using manure as an organic fertilizer vocationally for my property trees. Since it is an excellent balanced source of nutrients like nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium, you can also use it for your potted fig tree.

Manure is also a good source of organic matter, which helps improve soil structure and fertility.

Chemical Fertilizers 

You can consider urea or ammonium nitrate if you want to go with inorganic fertilizer options. These are good options for trees if they need a quick boost of nutrients.

However, I am always advised to use it with precautions as over-fertilization can pose severe hazards and threats to your tree. Chemical fertilizer usually contains a concentrated source of nutrients that reacts quickly with the tree soil and runs through the branches rapidly.

How To Select A Fertiliser For Potted Fig Tree? 

If you’re selecting a fertilizer for your potted fig tree, make sure also to pay attention to the label and follow the recommended application rates. As I said, too much fertilizer can lead to over-fertilization, which is harmful to your potted fig tree.

On the other hand, under-fertilizing can lead to stunted growth and reduced fruit production. All the recommended fertilizers are great options for potted fig trees. Besides that, you should also consider your fig tree’s growth stage, soil quality, and climate when choosing a fertilizer.

Firstly, I recommend you take a sample of your soil and get it lab-tested to determine what nutrients it needs. It is almost impossible to decide on the correct type of fertilizer your potted fig tree needs without knowing the nutrient content and pH level of your current soil. In addition, you should never forget to follow the recommended application rates to ensure the health and growth of your fig tree.

When To Fertilise Potted Fig Trees? 

Is it essential to know the best time to fertilize a potted fig tree? The timing of fertilization is going to affect your potted fig tree’s growth, fruit production, and overall health of your fig tree.

I recommend you consider fertilizing potted fig trees during their active growing season, which should begin in early spring and end in late summer. Generally, it would be best to fertilize your fig tree every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

Do note that the exact timing for fertilizing a potted fig tree can vary based on its growth stage, the climate, and weather conditions in your area.

You should also know that young fig trees require more frequent fertilization compared to mature fig trees. Therefore make sure to consider the age of your trees when fertilizing them. If you have young trees still establishing a solid root system, I highly advise you to consider fertilizing them to support this growth.

On the other hand, If you’ve mature fig trees, you don’t have to provide a lot of frequent fertilization because of their well-established root system. Therefore I highly recommend you put your main focus of fertilization on promoting healthy fruit production and the overall health of your potted fig tree.

If you live in an area that experiences prolonged drought, I recommend delaying fertilization until the soil has enough moisture to absorb the fertilizer. Determining the right time to fertilize your tree will help you support its growth, health, and fruit production at the right time.

How To Fertilize A Potted Fig Tree? 

  1. The very first thing that you should do is to get a Fertiliser that is specially formulated for fig trees. I recommend you look for a fertilizer that has a balanced nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium level.
  2. After that, consider getting a watering hose or whatever you have. Also, make sure to get a small shovel (alternatively trowel). After that, water your potted fig tree thoroughly to prevent fertilizer burn. 
  3. Now, depending on the size of your potted fig tree and the instructions on the fertilizer label, measure out the appropriate amount of fertilizer. I recommend you take a sample of your test soil for lab testing and check its nutrient content & pH level. 
  4. After determining the right amount of fertilizer, to provide to your potted fig tree, consider wearing appropriate gear and take safety precautions when handling the fertilizer.
  5. It would be best if you also considered sprinkling the fertilizer evenly around the base of your fig tree. Make sure to keep the fertilizer away from the trunk, especially if you use chemical fertilizer.
  6. As for the final step, you need to Water your potted fig tree again to help distribute and penetrate the fertilizer evenly throughout the soil.
  7. Make sure you repeat the fertilization process every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.


Since growing potted fig trees can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, you should consider improving soil quality fertility using the correct type of fertilizer. Hindi article, I tried my best to give you all the information on the best fertilizers for trees.

I hope you got to know why fertilizing your potted fig tree is an essential part of maintaining its health. It is necessary to choose the right type of fertilizer and use it in an appropriate amount, but only after lab testing the soil and checking what nutrients it needs.

Also, consider the season, climate, and weather conditions before applying fertilizer to your potted fig tree. If you find the article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will help many people learn about the benefit of using fertilizers in trees. Do check our other articles on fig tree care. See you again in the next post. Till then, take care and goodbye.