5 Reasons Why Is My Ash Tree Losing Its Bark

If you are wondering, ‘why is my ash tree losing its bark,’ you’re not alone. Many ash tree owners have experienced this concerning issue, but you shouldn’t worry because there are a few things you should know.

In this article, I will give you all the possible reasons why ash trees lose their bark and what you can do to help. If you notice the back feeling of the tree, it can be a sign of an underlying disease or health concern. I recommend you thoroughly review this article to understand better ‘why my ash tree is losing its bark’ and what steps you can take to save it.

5 Reasons Why Is My Ash Tree Losing Its Bark?


As your ash trees get older, their bark becomes weak and prone to cracking, which can lead to their pieces falling off on the ground. It is not uncommon to notice any tree losing its bark due to aging. If this is the case, I recommend you try helping your tree by providing necessary conditions and care like watering, fertilizing, and pruning from time to time.

Environmental Stress

Severe weather conditions like strong winds, heavy rain, and extreme temperatures can easily stress out your ash trees, causing their bark to fall off. It is essential to provide toppers said during hot weather conditions and protection during the winter season for your tree. It is necessary to provide proper watering if the cause is drought. 

Pests And Diseases

Certain pests and diseases can weaken your ash tree’s bark, making it prone to cracking and falling off. Ash trees are prone to emerald ash borer beetle Infestation, which is responsible for killing hundreds of millions of ash trees in the United States. I highly recommend you always check your tree for the science of the best infestation or underlying diseases.

Natural Shedding

Some species of trees naturally shed their outer layer of bark as they grow, revealing a new layer underneath. This is popularly known as “bark sloughing.” This is regular and natural but less likely to occur with pastry. I don’t find any particular tree species prone to shedding their outer layer of bark while a new layer underneath. 

Reminder: Do note that all trees will likely shed their outer layer of bark as a natural part of aging. However, if you notice your ash tree losing its bark out of a specific, never mind, consult an arborist.

Fire damage

If your properties’ ash trees have been damaged due to accidental fire, maybe they’re trying to heal themselves by falling off their bark. It is not uncommon to notice trees bark losing off due to accidental fire damage caught in the forest or mountains.

These are just a few reasons tree bark falls off, but as I said, it’s a natural process that happens to older trees. If you’re concerned about the health of your ash tree in your area, it’s best to consult a professional arborist who is best to assess the situation and determine the best course of action for you. 

When To Be Worried? 

Suppose your tree is fine but suddenly started losing its outer layer of the park. In that case, you should always It’s essential to be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of best infestation, environmental stress, as well as any particular damage that might have caused trauma. Below are a few signs of something being wrong and leading to excessive bark loss in your ash tree, such as:

  • Bark peeling or splitting away from the tree trunk
  • Discoloration of the inner bark
  • Presence of insects or sawdust near the base of the tree
  • Fungal growths on the trunk
  • Outer layer weakening & Root rot

If you ignore your stream straight bark loss, it can result in reduced growth. It will also make your tree more susceptible to insect infestations and disease while increasing the risk of tree death. 

What To Do If Your Ash Tree Is Losing Its Bark


If you notice an ash tree is losing its bark and wondering what to do about it, you are not alone because It’s also a common concern among ash tree owners. There are a few things that you can do to address it as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the tree. Below, I am giving you a step-by-step systematic approach to treat and help your ash tree if it loses its bark continuously.

Firstly, I want you to Identify the cause of the bark loss. Before taking action, it’s essential to determine the reason for the ash tree’s excessive bark loss. Your Ash tree could be losing its bark due to various factors like insect infestations, disease, or damage from mechanical equipment.

I also recommend you seek the advice of a professional If you cannot find the actual reason that is causing the ash tree bark loss. It is never wrong to consult a certified arborist for a professional assessment. Still, if you are worried about the aorist consultation fee, we have shared an excellent guide to saving money during consultation. 

You should consistently Implement proper management practices recommended by the arborist. Depending on the cause & severity of the bark loss, a professional tree care specialist will help you determine the specific management practices you should practice to reduce further damage. If your ash tree is suffering from pest infestation, an arborist will recommend typical insecticides depending on the type of pest being treated.

How To Dispose Of Fallen Ash Tree Bark Properly?

It is essential to dispose of the bark falling on the ground if the cause is a pest infestation or any disease. It would be best to adequately handle the fallen bark to prevent illness or paste exposure to the surrounding plant and trees. Therefore If you have fallen bark on the ground around your ash tree, here’s what you can do:

  1. Since you will be handling fallen bark, protecting yourself from exposure to disease or insects is essential. Therefore I highly recommend wearing protective gloves and long sleeves to minimize contact with the bark.
  2. After that, I recommend using a rake or shovel to help remove the fallen bark from the ground. Make sure to place it in a compost bin or yard waste bag to dispose of it responsibly.
  3. After picking up and removing all the fallen work from the ground, you should consider getting your yard waste bin for pickup as soon as possible. Make sure to keep the waste bean in an easy-to-site location so it won’t go unnoticed.

I advise you to implement proper management practices like regular pruning, monitoring for signs of disease, and controlling pests using appropriate pesticides. By following all these steps, you can keep your Ash tree healthy for longevity. 


Is It Normal For Trees To Lose Their Bark?

It is usual for trees to lose their bark due to aging. You can notice many trees shedding their outer layer of bark as they grow and age, which is popularly known as exfoliation. This natural occurrence helps your tree regulate its temperature, prevent disease and pests, and maintain healthy growth.

How Much Bark Can A Tree Lose Before It Becomes A Problem?

Even though a tree losing its bark is normal, excessive loss often indicates an underlying problem. If you notice more than 25% of your tree’s bark falling, missing, or having large wounds on its trunk, it’s time to consult a certified arborist for quick action.

Is It Safe To Have A Tree Losing Its Bark In My Yard?

Yes, it is safe to have a tree losing its bark in your yard. However, finding the exact cause of the bark loss is essential because the best infestation can pose a serious threat to other landscape trees and increase the chances of potential damage to your property. 


I tried my best to give you all the reasons ‘why ash trees lose their bark‘ As I told you, It’s normal for aged ash trees to lose some of their bark as a natural part of their growth and adaptation process.

However, if you notice excessive bark loss, this can signify problems like pests or diseases, environmental stress, or improper care. If this is so, I highly recommend you find the exact causes of excessive bark loss and take appropriate actions to manage it.

As a responsible homeowner, you should inspect your ash tree regularly for signs of bark loss, provide proper care, and remove fallen bark as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming a problem.

Suppose your tree is losing a lot of bark or showing other unusual symptoms. In that case, I will advise you to seek for arborist consultation, who is best and most professional at determining the cause and taking appropriate measures.

If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will help people learn what they should do, especially those who are wondering, ‘why is my ash tree losing its bark.’ Do check our other helpful articles on tree care and management. See you in the next post. Till then, take care and goodbye.