Treating Pear Tree Leaves Turning Black

If you are a pear tree owner, you have probably encountered leaves turning black once in their lifetime. Or if you are wondering ‘why my pear tree leaves are turning black,’ you are in the right place.

In this article, I will list nine reasons pear tree leaves turn black. We will also discuss what may contribute to pear tree black spots on fruit. Whether you are concerned about a pear tree bud turning black or its fruit, you will get all the solutions depending upon each cause.

It is not uncommon to notice ‘Black Spots On Asian Pear Tree’ or ‘Black Spots On Bradford Pear Tree Leaves.’ Asian pears tree leaves and Bradford pear tree leaves are prone to Worcester, which turns their leaves black. Let’s first find out nine reasons why pear tree leaves turn black and how to treat black leaves on a pear tree.

7+ Reasons Why Pear Tree Leaves Turning Black

If you notice pear leaves turning black, there can be many factors in play. Therefore, there are nine possible causes of pear tree leaves turning black.

Fire Blight. 

Fire blight is a type of bacterial infection that Armenia Amilogora usually causes. When a tree suffers from fire blight, it exhibits black or brown spots on its leaves. If left untreated, it will not only turn entirely black but also affect the tree’s twigs, branches, and fruit.

This bacteria can cause fruits, stems, buds, and leaves getting infected and eventually die. It is essential to prevent fire blight by keeping your tree healthy. Ensure you follow proper maintenance and care schedules by giving them adequate water and fertilizer.

It is important to prune out infected wood as well. If you notice any diseased wood, remove and dispose of it properly to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Nutrients Deficiency. 

Nutrient deficiency may cause tree leaves to turn black and fall off. This happened due to a lack of iron in significant cases. Many people also notice leaves turning yellow due to a lack of nitrogen.

However, if the tree’s blackening accompanies the yellowing leaves’ edges, you need to provide iron to its soil. To prevent deficiency from recurring, use the correct type of fertilizer in the proper ratio during the new growing season.

Black Spot.

Black spot on pear tree leaves is a fungal disease that usually causes fruit reduction. This type of fungus typically thrives in humid conditions. If you ignore or treat it, the black spot fungus will quickly spread to another part of the pears tree.

Make sure to avoid overwatering and keep the tree well-pruned. It is crucial to improve air circulation and use the correct type of fungicide to control fungus spread.

Pear Scab. 

Black Scab on pear tree leaves is another frequently reported issue by gardeners and homeowners which is caused due to fungus. This fungus usually thrives in moist conditions, which can cause defoliation & reduce fruit production.

I recommend you prune the pear tree and improve its air circulation. After that, you should call an arborist to determine the type of fungicide that will help you control and treat the pear scab. To prevent this problem from recurring, I recommend you properly control and regulate the watering frequency.

Water Stress. 

Overwatering or underwatering can also put excessive stress on a pear tree, causing it to turn its leaves color black. Water stress can also cause the pear tree to fall off quickly since it needs to divert energy away to conserve more water.

Therefore if you notice the tree leaves wilting and turning black due to water stress, provide some water and increase the water frequency. It is essential to improve the water frequency of the tree, especially in drought periods. Drought stress can be another cause of pear leaves turning black.

Peer Rust. 

Black rust on pear tree leaves is another type of fungal disease that might be the culprit. Pear rest usually causes the upper surface of the leaf to turn yellow or have yellow spots and black on the lower surface with raised bumps.

These blemishes will eventually burst and release fungus into the air, further affecting nearby plants and trees. I recommend you create the pear rust by removing the infected leaves, branches, and twigs. It is essential to dispose of it properly and use an appropriate fungicide to control the fungus.

Environmental stress.

Another potential cause of pear leaves turning black and falling off could be environmental stress, including wind damage, extreme temperature, or temperature drop.

To prevent ecological stress, it is essential to add 2-3 inch layers of munch around its base to protect it from extreme temperature and keep the soil moist

Root Damage. 

Sometimes a pear tree’s leaves turn black due to root damage. Suppose any ongoing construction or activity may disturb the pear tree root. In that case, it will soon lose its ability to absorb nutrients and water effectively from the soil, causing the leaves to be entirely black.

If this is the case, I recommend you to call an arborist as they will be the best person to help you with this case. To prevent root damage, consider protecting it with barriers.

You can also provide adequate water and fertilizer to keep the tree healthy if it cannot absorb nutrients properly from the soil. Many quick-acting fertilizers will penetrate rapidly into the ground to keep the tree healthy during challenging periods.

Understanding & Treating ‘Pear Tree Black Spots On Fruit’

You might have to perform multiple steps to treat black spots on your tree fruit. Below are a few steps you can help to treat black hole and prevent it from recurring on your tree fruit.

  • Firstly, consider removing all infected fruit from the tree as soon as possible to reduce the chances of future infection. 
  • After that, consider pruning infected leaves and disposing of them properly. Also, make sure to sanitize the pruning tool between each cur to prevent the spread of disease.
  • You should consider applying fungicide depending on the type of fungal disease your tree is suffering from. Suppose you don’t know what fungal infection is causing the tree leaves to turn black; consider an arborist consultation. Also, always use natural fungicides like baking soda, vinegar, or neem oil to control fungal disease on pear fruit first.
  • Also, consider improving air circulation to reduce the risk of fungal infection. Consider thinning your tree branch or avoiding overcrowding.
  • Make sure to maintain good cultural practices like regular watering, mulching, and fertilizing to help the tree promote fruit production and reduce disease risk. Consider using a chemical-free method when treating black spots on your pear tree fruit.

3 Causes And Treatment Of ‘Pear Tree Buds Turning Black.’

Damage: If you don’t cover the tree with any protective material during cold snaps, its branches will be affected significantly in the dormant season. Consider applying winter-specific fertilizer to promote healthy growth if you notice severe winter damage. If you see no recovery, consider calling an arborist. Sometimes the entire tree must be removed if the damage is severe.

Fire Blight: It is essential to avoid excessive pruning that might cause damage and injuries to the tree. Excessive pruning or injury can encourage the spread of bacteria. Also, it is essential to avoid planting trees in areas with a history of fire blight outbreaks. Suppose you notice an infected root. Cut at least 12 inches below the same trunk and remove it properly. Also, consider applying copper-based fungicides to control the spread of fire blight disease.

Mites: It is essential to always check your pear tree for signs of mites, especially when it is dormant. It would help if you considered applying horticultural oil or insecticidal spray soap to control it. Infestation should be treated as soon as you detect it. Do provide optimal air circulation to promote rapid drying of pear trees.


What Are The Most Common Reasons For Pear Leaves Turning Black?

The most common reason pear tree leaves turn black are fungal diseases like powdery mildew and black spot. Sometimes it is also caused due to environmental factors like sunscald, drought, or frost.

How Can I Tell If My Pear Tree Is Suffering From A Fungal Disease? 

Firstly, I recommend looking for a circular black spot on its leaves or a powdery white coating. Also, check for signs of YellowingYellowing, wilting, or defoliation, which tends to be a symptom of fungal disease.

Can You Treat Fungal Disease On Pear Trees? 

You can always treat fungal diseases by applying the appropriate fungicide spray gel or spart. Practicing suitable cultural and environmental methods like watering, proper pruning, and fertilizing is also essential.

How To Prevent Pear Tree From Getting Infected By Fungal Diseases? 

Make sure you are avoiding overwatering or underwatering. It is also important to prune your tree, which allows good air circulation. Also, ensure you are not planting the pear tree in areas with poor air circulation, a history of infestation, or high humidity. As a preventive measure, consider applying fungicide spray once in a while.

How To Tell If A Pear Tree Turning Black Due To An Environmental Factor?

If your pear tree is turning black with no fungal disease, there is something wrong with its environment or soil condition. As I said earlier, YellowingYellowing, wilting, and defoliation are also common symptoms of environmental stress.


There can be many reasons why pear tree leaves turn black. The most common reasons include insect infestation, environmental stress, nutrient deficiency, disease, Overhead watering, and more.

Scrutinize your tree to identify the underlying cause of black leaves. Also, take appropriate action depending on the reason to treat it and prevent the problem from recurring.

Always consult a professional or get an arborist consultation if you are still trying to figure out what to do or how to proceed. You must always get an arborist consultation if the problem is very severe. Do note that with proper care, you can keep your tree looking beautiful for many years.