The Magnolia tree, native to North America and Asia, is known for its beautiful flower and foliage. They are also popular as ornamental trees in many landscapes and people’s gardens.

Since magnolia tree leaves play a vital role in the development of growth and are responsible for carrying out photosynthesis which converts sunlight into energy for the tree, if it encounters any issue, you might notice discoloration of leaves with many black spots.

Many gardeners have faced this issue once in their magnolia tree left a problem. If you’re concerned about your magnolia tree leaves turning yellow with black spots, this guide is for you.

Here we will talk about the signs & symptoms but also how you can treat magnolia tree leaves turning yellow with black spots. Since early intervention will help you a lot in preventing damage and keeping your magnolia tree healthy for many years to come, this guy will help you identify any issues at an early stage as soon as they arise.

3 Symptoms of Mongolia Tree Leaves Problem.

Magnolia Tree Changing Colour. 

If you have any problem with your magnolia tree leaves, you will notice them changing color. Sometimes, you see an obvious sign of yellow leaves with black spots due to an underlying disease or pest infestation.

Do note that the magnolia leaves turning yellow can also signify environmental stress. Usually, the yellowing starts from the tip of the leaves and then spreads to the rest of its part. If this is the case, scrutinize your tree.

Spots On Leaf. 

Another symptom of the magnolia tree problem spots. No matter what color spots you notice on your tree leaves, if it is too frequent, there can be too many things wrong. Sometimes dehydrated magnolia trees exhibit brown spots on their leaves.

Sometimes, this can also be yellow or black with various shapes and sizes. The appearance of scars in magnolia tree leaves can be circular, irregular, or elongated while located anywhere on the leaves. 

Other Changes. 

In addition to the magnolia tree leaves’ discoloration, you will also notice other changes. You might see your tree having reduced growth and wilting. It may also decrease the number of flowers and leaves if there is any problem.

If you notice your tree exhibiting any signs of pest infestation, like sticky residue on its leaves & branches, treat it with the proper insecticide. Make sure to keep an eye on all these signs to treat and diagnose yellow leaves with black spots on the magnolia tree as soon as they are found.

As I told you earlier, early intervention will help you prevent these issues from causing further damage and keep your magnolia tree healthy for many years. Let’s take a quick look at the causes of black spots on magnolia tree leaves or leaves turning yellow.

3 Causes Of Magnolia Tree Leaves Turning Yellow With Black Spot.

Environmental stress.

  • If you notice your magnolia tree changing its leaf color to yellow, it is trying to conserve energy by slowing down its growth and dropping its leaf. Make sure to check if the soil is dry or crumbly. Lack of water is one of the most common causes of environmental stress in magnolia trees.
  • In addition to drought stress, too hot or too cold temperatures may also strain the magnolia tree. The high temperature will cause the tree to lose its water through transpiration, while the low temperature will damage the cell present in the leaves, causing yellow.
  • Sometimes strong winds also damage your tree’s leaves, causing them to turn yellow and develop black spots.

Fungal Diseases. 

If you notice magnolia tree leaves turning yellow, it might be due to a fungal disease, also known as a leaf spot. When a magnolia tree suffers from a leaf spot, it also exhibits yellow spots on its leaves, which gradually turn Brown or black towards the center.

Other than this, black areas on magnolia trees and also be a cause of another common fungal disease known as anthracnose.

Anthracnose is a fungus that causes tree leaves to turn yellow with black spots. You will also notice the leaves wilting and dropping off very quickly if it suffers from anthracnose or other related fungal infection.

Pest Infestation.

Many pests might attack your magnolia tree leaves and feed on its SAP. Here are a few of them.

  • Mites: Insects like mites are tiny insects that love feeding on the magnolia tree leaves and branches SAP. It can cause its leaves to turn yellow with black spots. If you notice a web-like appearance on your magnolia tree branches or leaves, it is suffering from mites infestation.
  • Scale insects are also tiny little creatures that attack a magnolia tree and feed on its SAP. If not appropriately addressed, scaly insects will not only cause yellowing and black spots on magnolia tree leave but also damage to its branches & bark.
  • Aphids: Another common tiny insect that loves feeding on magnolia tree leaves, aphid is known to cause yellowing and black spots on tree leaves. You will also notice sticky residue on the magnolia tree’s leaves and branches, which are aphids’ excrement they usually leave behind.

How To Treat Black Spots On Magnolia Tree Leaves That Are Yellow?

Firstly, I recommend you improve the environmental conditions to alleviate stress and prevent damage. It would help if you considered providing proper water, soil drainage, and protection from strong winds and extreme temperatures.

Also, use chemical control if needed to treat yellow leaves on the magnolia tree. Sometimes, you need to use fungicides to treat fungal diseases and insecticides to treat pest infestation.

It is always advised to consult a professional or arborist to determine what chemical control you should use along with safety precautions to prevent harming your tree and its environment.

Consulting an arborist for diagnosis and treatment recommendation is probably the best you can get to treat yellow leaves with black spots on a magnolia tree. I recommend you remove infected leaves to prevent the spread of diseases.

Removing the infected leaves will also help you a lot in controlling pests. Also, make sure to avoid damaging any healthy parts. Sometimes improper fertilization causes the magnolia leaves to turn black.

If this is the case, I recommend you fertilize the magnolia tree to resist diseases and pests. Finally, do follow a holistic approach that combines preventive measures, chemical control, and cultural practices to manage pain and conditions in the magnolia tree.

Implementing an integrated pest management system effectively addresses yellow leaves with black spots on magnolia trees and prevents them from recurring shortly.

7 Tips For Preventing Leaves From Recurring

  1. Ensure you are following the proper care and providing well-drained soil protection & adequate water to your magnolia tree. Also, make sure to fertilize and mulch the soil to maintain its healthy environment.
  2. Always keep the magnolia trees surrounding the area clean and free of stress. 
  3. You should remove dead Leaves and branches while clearing away all the debris or wild plants that may compete with the tree for nutrients and water.
  4. Make sure you are pruning the magnolia trees regularly to remove the diseased and dead branches, which alleviates stress from the tree and prevents the spread of diseases. It also promotes good air circulation. 
  5. I will also advise you to choose a variety that is known to be resistant to common diseases and pests in your region. Planting a resistant, pain-resistant variety of magnolia trees will help you in the future.
  6. Make sure you are planting only a few trees nearby to avoid overcrowding. Overcrowding will create competition for nutrients and water, further increasing the tree stress on your magnolia trees.
  7. It is essential to check for black spots yellowing, wilting, pest infestations, diseases, and any changes in growth as a regular part of inspection and maintenance. Early detection is critical to keeping a tree healthy and addressing any issue promptly.


As I told you in this article, yellow leaves with black spots on magnolia trees can be caused due to many factors, which include environmental stress, pests, and diseases. Keeping An eye out for early detection will be critical to inspect regularly and address any issue before it causes further damage.

I recommend you treat and prevent this using the above information on the care and management of the magnolia tree above. Magnolia trees are an essential and integral part of many gardens & landscapes, which provide a range of benefits, including shade and beauty. Make sure to prevent and treat the issue at an early stage.

Proper maintenance and care can keep your magnolia tree looking beautiful and healthy for many years. Consult professional assistance if you cannot detect what is causing black spots on a magnolia tree or why the leaves turn yellow.

If you like this article, where we shared seven significant causes of magnolia tree leaves turning yellow with black spots, consider sharing it. Your share will have many people take appropriate action according to the cause and damage were done to their tree.

Your share can be a lifesaver to many trees. Do check our other helpful guide on arboriculture and tree care. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.